Southeast: May Gardening

A May “to-do” list for gardeners in the Southeast United States

Southeast garden tasks for the month of May:

  • Plant perennials and annuals, including gladiolus, calla lilies, cannas, impatiens, coleus, marigolds, begonias, clematis, verbena, etc. Plant crape myrtles when they are blooming.
  • Plant cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, squash, peas, beans, eggplant, corn, okra, parsley, watermelon, and cantaloupe.
  • Water during dry spells, paying close attention to new plants.
  • Finish pruning azaleas and camellias, because they will form new buds in June and you don’t want to remove those.
  • Remove seedpods from spent flower bulbs and irises.
  • Lay fresh mulch over beds to conserve water and prevent weeds.
  • Repot houseplants, dividing overgrown plants such as ferns.