Tip of the Week: Swim in Spinach this Spring
There is nothing like a leafy, green spinach salad fresh from the garden. Jumpstart your spring spinach yield this fall with this tip from author Jeff Cox.
My favorite fall thing is to start spinach so the plants make small rosettes. By the time hard frosts come, cover the spinach with hay bales. Then in the early spring when the soil warms to about 50°F, remove the bales and mulch the little plants. You'll be eating spinach salads before your neighbors have even planted their peas.
Jeff Cox is the author of books covering such topics as organic gardening, landscaping and perennials. He wrote and hosted two television series on gardening, including HGTV’s Grow It! Cox lives and gardens in Northern California.
Do you have a tip or trick to share with Horticulture? Yours could be featured in the next newsletter. E-mail edit@hortmag.com or post your idea to the Gardener’s Forum.