So many seed company choices…
There are many good seed companies to choose from but the list that my daughter and I developed may help you out even more – click here to view the…
There are many good seed companies to choose from but the list that my daughter and I developed may help you out even more - click here to view the list. Use their websites to your advantage as you look for any tools they may have to help you out in this venture. There are so many good resources and one is coming up with Ryan Schmitt, Horticulturalist, from Botanical Interests. Be sure to register for his online workshop that is coming up on February 24th at 2pm ET. There are only 1000 seats so register early. Remember that "the more you learn the better you grow!"
Also, be sure to check out my latest podcast: Garden How-To :: Episode 4: Growing from Seed where I'll help make your seed buying experience easier by explaining the differences in seed types and the varieties to choose from.