Protecting a Climbing Rose
How to protect a climbing rose from a harsh winter.
Severe winters can kill the top growth of climbing roses (shown, 'Shinsetsu'), diminishing their performance during the growing season. If you live in a cold-winter region, consider protecting your rose with this method:
In late fall, remove the rose from its supports. Gently bend it down to the ground and pin it in place with wire pegs. Completely cover the canes and crown with soil. After this mound has frozen solid, cover it with cornstalks or cut evergreen boughs.
In early spring, remove this material but leave the soil mound in place until all chances of a late, hard freeze are past. Then, prefer ably on a cloudy, windless day, slowly and carefully dig away the soil, exposing the canes with their tender new growth. Replace the rose on the supports.
With protection, your rose will not only make it through the winter, but will increase in size and width.
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