Hybrid Geraniums | Calliope vs. Caliente

Question: What can you tell me about the new Calliope and Caliente geraniums?  The Calliope and Caliente series of hybrid geraniums are a result of over 10 years of refining…

Question: What can you tell me about the new Calliope and Caliente geraniums? 

The Calliope and Caliente series of hybrid geraniums are a result of over 10 years of refining ivy-zonal crosses to harvest the best features of each type and establish a new, premium geranium class. Both series feature vivid hues and versatile climate resistance.

Calliope geraniums are an interspecific hybrid with zonal-type flowers. Sporting a velvety-red color, the calliope geranium is drought-tolerant, versatile and easy for all gardeners to care for. Growing 10-12" tall, Calliope has a vigorous, mounding to semi-trailing plant habit that will quickly fill your hanging baskets, patio planters and garden beds with Dark Red color. Its large, semi-double flowers bloom in American Horticultural Zones 3-11, under conditions with full sun to part shade.

If you're worried about growing geraniums in torrid heat, Caliente geraniums are for you. Introduced in 2005, these geraniums are an ivy-zonal hybrid that are heat-tolerant and thrive in any climate. Growing between 12-18" tall, the Caliente series boasts several flashy hues, including Hot Coral, Pink, Orange and Lavender, and deep green, ivy-shapes leaves, making these flowers standout performers in any landscape.

Plant Caliente geraniums during the spring and early summer. For Southern gardeners, plant Caliente in a place that has access to full sun in the morning and afternoon shade. For northern climates, more sun will yield vibrant, iridescent colors. Caliente excel in any surrounding, including containers, window boxes and the landscape, making them one of the most well-adapted plants for gardeners of any region.

Shown: Caliente Deep Red Geranium. Photo courtesy of Proven Winners.


Let the ivy-like foliage of your Calliope and Caliente geraniums spill over the edges of this Pole Planter.

Discover other varieties of annual geraniums in Horticulture Flower Pack of CDs.

Create unique floral arrangements with Simply Elegant Flowers with Michael George.