Tips for Transplanting Moss in a Garden

Moss on the move!

Mosses are easy to transplant from one part of your property to another. Just be conservative—take only a few small pieces here and there to avoid harming the original population.

Here are some more moss-transplanting tips:

Handle moss carefully and avoid taking too much at one time.

•Think of a moss stem as a wick. As the stem grows, the older section dies but continues to absorb water like a reservoir for the living tips. When you lift up a pad of moss, try to leave the layer of dead material attached because it will nourish the transplant and keep it hydrated.

•Three-inch clumps or pads are easiest to establish. In my experience the divots in the parent moss heal over in one growing season. The transplants often grow the hair-like rhizoids that help them grab on once established.

•You can glue pads directly to rocks or logs with hot glue or silicone adhesive for an instant effect. Since the bottom part is already dead, a few drops of glue do no harm. Small twigs make good "staples" to fasten pads to soil or spongy humus.