How to Clean and Sterilize Seed-Starting Pots

Follow this process before reusing trays and pots.

Starting plants from seeds in winter is a rewarding and cost effective way to fill your garden, not to mention get a jump on spring. Many seeds are easily started in trays or pots indoors, but for the continued health of seedlings you must start with fresh growing medium and ultra-clean containers. That's because young plants are vulnerable to damping off, a disease that arises from fungi that can linger in soil. 

Here's how to wash and sterilize seed-starting containers before reusing them:

1. Use three buckets or water-tight bins big enough to hold your pots or flats. Fill one with clean water and some dish soap; the next with 9 parts water and one part mild bleach; and the third with just water.

2. In the bucket of soapy water, scrub your containers thoroughly. Rinse the suds off in the sink.

3. Next soak the containers in the bleach solution for at least 15 minutes.

4. Dip them in the bucket of plain water to rinse.

Let the flats or pots dry completely before proceeding to sow your seeds.