Homemade Seed-Starting Trays

Readers share how they make their own seed-starting trays.

Two readers' tips:

Some restaurants use a box with a black bottom and clear top as take out or leftovers containers. Likewise, the salad bar at my local grocery store uses an entirely clear type of plastic container. Both types make excellent starter trays as you can close the lid to keep the soil moist.—Don Lankford

After I plant seeds in my seed-starting trays, I cover them with the clear plastic containers that salad mix comes in. These make mini greenhouses and help keep the soil moist. The large salad containers cover ten peat-moss seed starters perfectly.—Carol Hight

Do you have a tip or trick to share with fellow gardeners? E-mail edit@hortmag.com or post your idea in our Co-Horts’ Forum. Your tip could be featured in our e-newsletter.