The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Composting

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Compost By Chris McGlaughlin 208 pages Alpha, May 2010 List Price: $14.95 This book could have been named “Everything You Wanted to Know About Compost…

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Compost

By Chris McGlaughlin

208 pages

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to CompostingThe Complete Idiot’s Guide to Compostingby Chris McLaughlin208 pages

Alpha, May 2010

List Price: $14.95

This book could have been named “Everything You Wanted to Know About Compost But Were Afraid to Ask.” To some, compost might be scary stuff, but Chris McLaughlin allays those fears with her new book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Composting. In these days of eco-awareness, composting is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, and rightly so.

In the usual Idiot’s format, the book is laid out in easy-to-understand manner, with sections on how composting works, various ways on how to do it, and what to do with the compost once you’ve got it. McLaughlin eliminates the guesswork and shows how truly easy and beneficial composting can be.

It’s not rocket science, since all things decompose if left on their own, but McLaughlin guides readers in how to make the most of your kitchen and yard waste. In fact, she presents the ins and outs of composting in such an inviting way that even non-gardeners will be tempted to save those banana peels and grass clippings.

Chris McLaughlin has been an avid gardener for 30 years and became a Master Gardener in 2000. She also has a certification from the National Wildlife Federation as a Backyard Wildlife Habitat Steward. Chris is a regular contributor at (the sister site to Taunton's Fine Gardening), is a San Francisco Gardening Examiner for, and is the editor for the Home Gardening page at Foodie Mama.


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