Pacific Northwest garden tasks for the month of May:
- Fertilize rhododendrons and azaleas and remove flowers as they fade.
- Plant chrysanthemums for fall color. In midsummer, begin pinching back new growth to encourage a bushy shape.
- Plant dahlias, gladiolus and tuberous begonias in mid-May.
- Fertilize roses. Plant new roses, choosing varieties that are disease and pest resistant.
- Control slugs with bait or traps. Read more about slug control.
- Plant most vegetables. Wait until danger of frost has passed to plant tomatoes.
- Weed! Keep up with weeding now to reduce the amount of weeds later. Pull weeds now before they can go to seed.
- Lay fresh mulch over beds.
- Stake delphiniums and peonies to keep them on track as they grow taller.
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