More Midwest January/February Gardening

A Decatur, Illinois, Master Gardener shares current tips and news

Top 5 “to do’s” for January and February:

  • Keep the rabbits and deer from nibbling my shrubs.
  • Develop a landscaping plan for the rolling lawn south of my home.
  • Really clean all my garden tools and store them neatly.
  • Browse the garden catalogs and not go bankrupt while ordering.
  • Develop a calendar for appropriate times for plant propagation and a fertilizing schedule.

Recent local gardening trends: Vegetable gardening has gained much interest lately. With the problems with purchased food being in the news, we are seeing more questions about home gardens. The public is interested in raising their own food. This provides many educational opportunities for the MGs, but also for the unit that teaches food preservation and preparation.

About Fern: I was raised on a grain and livestock farm. The vegetable garden was the primary food source, fresh or preserved. Flowers were important. Granddad stated “One must also have food for the eye.” I’m a registered nurse, working in the Operating Room for 40 years, 29 of those as the director. I became a Master Gardener eight years ago, to learn and keep brain and body active. I found I really enjoy volunteering at the office help Desk, interacting with the clients and properly solving their concerns. Doing research allows me to continue learning and reviewing. Roses are one of my favorite plants, although new landscaping development is a close second.