The non-profit All-America Selections coordinates trials of new flower and vegetable varieties in volunteer-run test gardens across the United States. The new cultivars are tested side-by-side with established varieties. The volunteer judges, who all work in horticulture, provide ratings and comments to point out the best performing varieties. Each year All-America Selections announces the latest cultivars that excelled in the trial gardens.
For 2024, All America Selections has announced these standout annuals:
Celosia Burning Embers
This compact celosia is grown for both its foliage and its flowers. The large leaves carry a bronze cast and pink veining, making them every eye catching and an excellent backdrop to the plant's own feathery hot pink flowers. Judges commented that the flowers lasted an exceptionally long time and attracted pollinators, while the plant itself proved very heat and humidity tolerant.
Geranium Big EEZE Pink Batik
Pink Batik is a new addition to the Big EEZE series of florist's geranium (Pelargonium). It is a heavy bloomer all summer, pushing out large flower heads with light pink petals streaked and splashed with dark pink. Judges noted that even the flower buds show the two colors and the plant stood up well to high heat.
Impatiens Solarscape XL Pink Jewel
This disease-resistant impatiens blooms in full or part sun throughout the growing season, with silky, dark pink flowers in an impressively large size. Judges were impressed with the number of flowers and their sheen, as well as the tidy habit of the plant.
Marigold Siam Gold
Large, rounded flowers in a warm yellow-orange color crown the compact Siam Gold marigold. Despite the flowers' heft, their stems remain upright without staking. Judges enjoyed how the flowers completely covered the top of the plant, and also how well they worked as cut flowers.
Petchoa EnViva Pink
Petchoa plants are the results of crosses between petunias and calibrachoas, combining the traits of each. The variety Enviva Pink has a mounded habit and large, yellow-throated, hot pink flowers. Judges observed that this petchoa's habit is particularly uniform. It tolerates summer heat well and recovers easily from rain and wind events.
Petunia Sure Shot White
The Sure Shot line of petunias was developed to stand up to a range of weather conditions or inconsistencies of care. New to the series is White, which judges reported performed much better than its comparison, blooming all summer and filling out its spot in beds and containers.
Verbena Sweetheart Kisses
Sweetheart Kisses is annual verbena that blooms in three shades of pink, with dense, rounded flower heads set off by thin and airy dark green foliage. Judges were most impressed by its performance through a hot, dry summer and the range of flower colors on each individual plant.
Images courtesy of All-America Selections