‘White Lancer’ feathergrass

Virtues: We love ‘White Lancer’ feathergrass for its long, abundantly flowering white seed heads that resemble soft pipe cleaners waving above the billowing foliage. It is a vigorous plant that…

Virtues: We love 'White Lancer' feathergrass for its long, abundantly flowering white seed heads that resemble soft pipe cleaners waving above the billowing foliage. It is a vigorous plant that blooms repeatedly from early spring all through summer and fall. It is an exceptional addition to dried arrangements, and it is also deer-resistant!

Common name: African feathergrass

Botanical name: Pennisetum macrourum

Flowers: Hot pink flowers in the summer

Foliage: Long and thin, light-green cascading foliage with silvery undersides

Habit: Upright growing habit. Matures at 18 inches tall

Origin: Africa and South Africa

Cultivation: Will grow in any soil provided it is well drained. Can be divided in late spring or early fall. Cut back in early spring leaving 3 to 5 inches of last years growth. Full sun. Zones 6-9.

Image Credit: Public Domain


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