We Love Wercklea Ferox
A shrub in the hibiscus family, this tropical wonder from Costa Rica has gorgeous leaves that reach up to 2 feet across and deep red veins and spines that accentuate…
A shrub in the hibiscus family, this tropical wonder from Costa Rica has gorgeous leaves that reach up to 2 feet across and deep red veins and spines that accentuate the architectural quality of the shrub. As if the gorgeous foliage wasn’t enough, the wercklea has yellow flowers that grow along the trunk in the fall and spring.
Common name: Wercklea
Botanical name: Werklea ferox
Leaves: Large, up to 2 feet with deep red venation
Flowers: Yellow, along the main stem of the plant
Height: 4 feet
Width: 3 feet
USDA Zones: 10
Grown in a pot, this stunning plant will definitely attract admirers. It is a rare plant and one that deserves a little attention. Place where growing conditions remain above 60˚F. If the shrub outgrows its container or space in the garden or heated patio, it can be pruned back. Provide full sun, consistent heat and regular watering for optimum growth. The leaves and the stems of this plant are covered in sharp spines, so keep it away from areas where inquisitive children play. It’s great to look at; just don’t touch.