We Love Royal Red Salvia

More and more gardeners are looking for plants that bring many benefits to the garden. Plants cannot just look good; we want them to be easy to care for, deer…

More and more gardeners are looking for plants that bring many benefits to the garden. Plants cannot just look good; we want them to be easy to care for, deer resistant, drought tolerant and attractive to birds and butterflies.

We ask a lot of our plants and ‘Windwalker Royal Red’ salvia delivers!

Common Name: ‘Windwalker Royal Red’ salvia or sage
Botanical Name:Salvia darcyi x microphylla ‘Windwalker Royal Red’
USDA Zones: 5–9
Size: 40–50 inches tall and wide
Blooms: Vibrant blood red
Bloom season: Summer through fall

‘Windwalker™Royal Red’ salvia is an easy-to-grow plant that simply asks for a lot of sun. Once it is established, it is drought tolerant. We love that you can cut it back in the early summer to create bushier, more compact plant. This plant works well in large groups, in containers or as a specimen. Resistant to deer, ‘Royal Red’ attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees. For this reason alone, we think your garden deserves at least three of these red-blooming beauties.