The Rising Sun Redbud
This is a tree with a compact size that makes it easy to showcase and multiple seasons of interest.
Virtues: This is a tree with a compact size that makes it easy to showcase. Multiple seasons of interest through its spring flowers, vivid spring, summer and fall foliage and nice bark. Its flowers attract bees and butterflies.
Common name: The Rising Sun redbud
Botanical name:Cercis canadensis The Rising Sun ('JNJ')
Flowers: Tiny vivid pink flowers line the branches in early spring, before the leaves emerge.
Foliage: Large, heart-shaped leaves are bright orange-peach when they emerge, then they turn green as they age. New leaves emerge all summer, so there's always a mix of colors on the tree. Fall foliage is yellow and orange.
Habit: Deciduous tree 10 to 12 feet tall with a 10 to 15 foot spread.
Season: Spring for flowers, spring through fall for foliage. Bark is smooth and yellow, making it attractive in winter.
Origin: Selection of Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), a tree native to woods and streambanks of most of the eastern half of the United States. Introduced by Ray Jackson of Jackson Nursery in Belvidere, Tenn.
Cultivation: Grow in full sun to part shade. Wide tolerance of soil type and moisture. Very heat tolerant and resistant to foliage burn even in full sun. USDA Zones 5–9.