Why It Helps to Have a Plan B in the Garden

Despite our best-laid plans, each season’s garden seems to have a mind of its own, so it’s good to have a Plan B. Even given our best efforts, the weather plays a part, and the insects—both good and bad. This season has been a series of subtle, and some not-so-subtle, reminders that I’m not the boss of the Bettman Gardens; the gardens are the boss.

Despite our best-laid plans, each season’s garden seems to have a mind of its own, so it’s good to have a Plan B. Even given our best efforts, the weather plays a part, and the insects—both good and bad. This season has been a series of subtle, and some not-so-subtle, reminders that I’m not the boss of the Bettman Gardens; the gardens are the boss.

For years I‘ve been trying to make the raised herb garden shine for the entire season. Perhaps you’ve had this experience? You plant a garden and it looks great. Your plants are perfectly selected for the sun and water availability. But, despite your best efforts, within a month or two the garden declines. Such is the case with the raised herb garden. The other day, as I silently scolded the garden, a park representative came up and shared that every gardener before me has struggled with the same spot. Well, at least I’m not alone.

Allium 'Millenium' is part of Jennifer Smith's Plan B at the Bettman Gardens. It's a proven survivor in the space. Photo credit: Getty Images

Plan B in Action

I’ve amended the soil with pine fines and manure over the years and now I see more life in the form of earthworms—a good sign. I’m also taking cues from the plants that thrive and I'm simply adding more of those: Allium 'Millenium', yarrow, upright Verbena and Nepeta. This year I'm addingPennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln' to the mix.

Poison ivy has posed a challenge. Over the winter I designed a winter viewing garden across from a bench. My plans were shared, the park helped me to acquire the necessary shrubs and then, when I went to plant I was thwarted by stands of poison ivy. Plan B? Kill the poison ivy, and find a new home for the shrubs.

The Bettman Gardens thrive despite challenges, in part, because their gardener know the power of having a Plan B when the original vision falls through. Photo credit: Jennifer Smith

The Wisdom of Age

Am I annoyed that things are not going as I so beautifully depicted in my garden sketches? Of course! But, I'm more relaxed now, in my older gardening years. I have confidence in my gardening skills. If one plan flops, I know I will come up with a new, and often, better Plan B. As for the shrubs that need a new home, I'm creating a border garden along one side of the prairie.

Jennifer Smith is a horticulturist, garden writer and photographer for Wimberg Landscaping, a Cincinnati-based landscaping firm. She is the author of the Adventures of a Landless Gardener blog here on hortmag.com and the former managing editor of Horticulture.