Pink Peace Lily: Is That What This Is?
You may have seen a houseplant that looks a lot like a peace lily only with pink or red flowers instead of white. Here are the facts behind this sort-of…
You may have seen a houseplant that looks a lot like a peace lily only with pink or red flowers instead of white. Here are the facts behind this sort-of look-alike, which is also called flamingo flower.
Virtues: Flamingo flower produces long-lasting, eye-catching flowers that can last an extraordinarily long time. It can bloom all year. Even if it is out of bloom, flamingo flower makes a handsome houseplant thanks to its deep green foliage.
Common name: Flamingo flower
Botanical name:Anthurium scherzerianum
Exposure: Bright light, but not direct sunlight. Place near an east or west window.
Season: Year-round, for flowers.
Flowers: Waxy red or pink spade-shaped spathes with a yellowish white spadix. These flowers last for a long time.
Foliage: Large and deep green.
Habit: Flaming flower grows to about 12 to 18 inches tall and 12 inches wide when grown as a potted houseplant.
Origins: Native to Central America.
How to grow flamingo flower: Place in bright but indirect light. Provide a well-draining potting mix and water regularly, never allowing the mix to dry out. Flamingo flower is a tropical plant that does not enter a winter dormancy; provide consistent care for active growth and flowering year-round. Flamingo flower likes humidity; bolster that in the home by placing the plant’s pot on a tray of dampened gravel and clustering several houseplants together.
Image by Rameshng - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0