Enkianthus Shrub Shines Both Spring and Fall
Virtues:Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Jan Iseli Red’ offers bright red flowers in late spring and dramatic red foliage in fall. This deciduous shrub has a narrow, upright habit that fits easily into…
Virtues:Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Jan Iseli Red’ offers bright red flowers in late spring and dramatic red foliage in fall. This deciduous shrub has a narrow, upright habit that fits easily into mixed borders or serves as a vertical accent in a small garden.
Common name: ‘Jan Iseli Red’ enkianthus
Botanical name:Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Jan Iseli Red’
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Season: Late spring for flowers; fall for colorful foliage
Flowers: Bell-shape flowers appear in downward-hanging clusters in late spring to early summer. Their color is dark red.
Foliage: This is a deciduous shrub with small leaves that remain medium green from spring through summer and turn red in fall. The fall foliage color of selection ‘Jan Iseli Red’ is especially deep.
Habit: 'Jan Iseli Red' grows as an upright deciduous shrub generally reaching to 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide in the garden or a bit larger. Its upright habit makes it easy to fit it into mixed borders and tight garden spaces.
Origins:Enkianthus campanulatus is native to woodlands of Japan. The cultivar ‘Jan Iseli Red’ was introduced by Iseli Nursery in Oregon. It has a pink-flowering counterpart named ‘Jan Iseli Pink’.
How to grow enkianthus: Site in full sun or part shade. Provide average soil with good drainage. Enkianthus requires regular moisture; provide water during times of drought. They are best in acidic soil. This selection has a nice shape and compact growth, so pruning should not be necessary; however if you do prune enkianthus, do so just after the shrub flowers. It sets flower buds for the next year in summer, so do not prune it in fall, winter or spring or you will remove the buds.