3 Must-Try Roses to Grow in the New Year

New Intros from David Austin Roses Summer has passed and yet we’re experiencing unseasonably mild temperatures here at Horticulture headquarters in southwestern Ohio in the early days of November—weather that’s encouraging…

New Intros from David Austin Roses

Summer has passed and yet we're experiencing unseasonably mild temperatures here at Horticulture headquarters in southwestern Ohio in the early days of November—weather that's encouraging the roses to grow still! A hard frost is sure to come soon though, and we're already moving on to garden clean-up chores even as we enjoy these last roses of summer. Yet, it's never too soon to start planning next year's garden so here are some of the roses we hope to try.

David Austin English Rose 'Roald Dahl' is our favorite new of roses to grow for 2018 that we intend to try. USDA Zones 5-9; 4 x 4 ft.

Plants We Love - 3 Roses to Grow

The November/December 2017 issue of Horticulture features new plant introductions for 2018 and we have our hearts set on trying some of the David Austin rose varieties—they're on our list of favorite roses to grow!

#1 At the top of our list, and we're not sure if it's the color or the name that we love more, is 'Roald Dahl' (see photo above). The David Austin company describes 'Roald Dahl' as disease resistant, a quick repeat bloomer, and offering a medium-strong Tea fragrance with leafy elements and dark fruit notes.

#2 Next on the list is 'Imogen' (see below) which is described this way: "The button eye comes from true Old Roses, especially antique Gallica and Damask roses. Few modern roses have it. In the English Roses, you see it in 'Munstead Wood' and 'Port Sunlight', and now 'Imogen'," says Michael Marriott, technical director and senior rosarian of David Austin Roses in Albrighton, England.

David Austin English Rose 'Imogen' is a fresh-faced beauty with a classic button eye. Zones 5-9; 4.5 x 3 ft. 

#3 Last, and certainly not least, is 'Bathsheba' (see below). 'Bathsheba' is David Austin's first new apricot-hued climber in 20 years. Its strong myrrh fragrance has a warm floral character with hints of honey and Tea. It blooms repeatedly from early summer until frost. Each shallowly-cupped rosette is densely packed with up to 170 petals. As with all English Rose climbers, 'Bathsheba' is full from the ground up, with plenty of basal stems to fan up and across a trellis.

David Austin English Rose 'Bathsheba' is a vigorous climbing rose with big, beautiful, apricot-colored flowers. Zones 5-9; up to 10 ft.

Read Max Eber's suggestions for some heirloom varieties to grow, too!