Garden How-To :: Episode 13: The Wonder of Watermelons

In this episode, Kathy Cropp talks with Don Dobbs, who has been the general manager of Willhite Seed for 50 years. Don shares new developments in seed varieties—especially in watermelons,…

In this episode, Kathy Cropp talks with Don Dobbs, who has been the general manager of Willhite Seed for 50 years. Don shares new developments in seed varieties—especially in watermelons, which have long been a Willhite specialty—and he offers advice on growing watermelons at home.

Willhite Seed, Inc. is a mail-order seed company based in Texas, with a 93-year history of producing and providing quality seeds. They offer a wide range of open-pollinated and hybrid vegetable, flower and herb seeds, and they've posted plenty of information on their website to help home gardeners. Visit Willhite Seed at


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