RadioGarden :: Episode 4 : Checking Out

Ever wish you could check out of the rat race and live in your garden instead? This month on RadioGarden, a podcast of stories at the intersection of people and plants, I’ll talk to Margaret Roach, whose new book And I Shall Have Some Peace There is about doing just that.

Ever wish you could check out of the rat race and live in your garden instead? This month on RadioGarden, a podcast of stories at the intersection of people and plants, I'll talk to Margaret Roach, whose new book And I Shall Have Some Peace There is about doing just that.

In her former life as a high-powered executive, Margaret longed for her weekend home in upstate New York, a greater connection with nature, and most importantly, her garden of 25 years. Margaret and I discussed what it's really like to check out -- and, more importantly, to check in. Learn more about Margaret and her garden at her blog A Way To Garden.

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Music from this podcast by ccMixter user Calling Sister Midnight.