Nest In Style on Horticulture Radio :: Episode Four: Growing Food Gardens
Don’t miss co-host Teresa O’Connor’s interview with internationally renowned chef and television personality Graham Kerr (aka “The Galloping Gourmet”), who explains why he has finally started a kitchen garden of his own. Then Teresa and co-host Jayme Jenkins review some of their favorite products for getting your own food garden off the ground, even if you’re short of space.
Growing your own food has become an important, national trend, with kitchen gardens popping up in backyards, as well as front porches, apartment balconies and urban fire escapes. So, it seemed only appropriate to focus this episode of Nest in Style on Horticulture Radio on edible gardening.
Don’t miss co-host Teresa O’Connor’s interview with internationally renowned chef and television personality Graham Kerr (aka “The Galloping Gourmet”), who explains why he has finally started a kitchen garden of his own. Then Teresa and co-host Jayme Jenkins review some of their favorite products for getting your own food garden off the ground, even if you’re short of space.
Not only that, Jayme and Teresa are kicking off another great giveaway for gardeners! But before we announce details on this month’s contest, thanks to everyone who entered the Proven Winners random drawing in April. Congratulations to these six lucky winners:
- Kathy Juracek
- Crystal Knodel
- Patty Hicks
- Andrew Shields
- Joy Myer
- Donna Wright
The winners' prizes will be shipped shortly, so they can enjoy these Proven Winners plants in their own gardens soon. Thanks again for entering.
Enter to Win May's Edible Garden Giveaway
- Autographed copy of Graham Kerr’s Growing At The Speed of Light: A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden (100 delicious recipes along with gardening advice about 60 vegetables, fruits and herbs.)
- A Greenland Gardener raised garden kit (A raised bed that assembles in minutes for growing vegetables, herbs and flowers.)
- P. Allen Smith – How-To Garden Cards for Veggies and Herbs (Expert growing advice from one of America’s most famous gardeners. Includes DVD!)
To win, all you have to do is leave a comment below. If you’re a new gardener, tell us which edibles you are eager to grow this year. If you’re an established gardener, tell us 1) which new vegetables, fruits or herbs you want to try this season, and 2) what you can’t wait to grow again this year.
Winners will be randomly selected by the end of May. Good luck, and happy gardening!
More Edible Gardening Resources
Raised Beds
- Easy Gardener Instant Garden
- Gardener Supply Periwinkle Grow Beds and Raised Bed Liners
- Greenland Gardener – PRIZE PACKAGE
Cold/Frost Protectors
- Frost Protection and Extending the Growing Season by Colorado State University Extension
- Patio Grow House from Gardener's Supply
- Pop-Up Protection for Grow Beds (Frost, plus bird and insect protection too) – for 3x3 and 3x6 boxes
- Cloches from English Creek Gardens
Plant Supports
- Bean Teepee in Teresa O’Connor’s yard
- How to make your own bean teepee (Alabama Cooperative Extension System)
- Plant supports from H. Potter
- Collapsible Veggie Cages
- DIY supports like ladders, bamboo teepees and salvaged gates
- Support ties - Rapiclip Foam Wire Ties and Velcro Plant Ties
Keeping Track
- Write and Erase Plant Tags
- Old calendars for record keeping
- Territorial Seed Company's Vegetable Planner
- Crop Rotation Tips from Seasonal Wisdom
- Wooden Trug by Kinsman Company
- Large Trug Tub by Kinsman Company
More Help
P. Allen Smith – How-To Garden Cards for Veggies and Herbs – PRIZE PACKAGE
Tune in next month when Jayme and Teresa review great plants, products and tools for gardening with children. You can always find more gardening information at aHa! Modern Living and Seasonal Wisdom. Now, go grow something!