Best Garden Blog Therapeutic Landscapes Network
Horticultural Therapy is “a professional practice that uses the cultivation of plants and gardening activities to improve the mental and physical health of its participants,” quoted from Therapeutic Landscapes Network
Horticultural Therapy is “a professional practice that uses the cultivation of plants and gardening activities to improve the mental and physical health of its participants,” quoted from Therapeutic Landscapes Network
While earning her MLA from the University of California, Berkeley in 1999, Naomi wrote the chapter “Psychiatric Hospitals” for Clare Cooper Marcus and Marni Barnes’ award-winningbook Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations .
Shortly after graduation, she launched the TLN’s precursor website, the Therapeutic Landscapes Network, which won the ASLA Professional Awards Communications Award of Merit in 2004. Since that time, TLN has respectfully achieved status as the most complete resource when searching for information on healing gardens, restorative landscapes, and other green spaces that promote health and well-being.
Naomi reveals her passion and love for therapeutic landscapes at the TLN Blog: Exploring the connection between nature and health. Recently she had an open discussion as part of her involvement with The Garden Designers Roundtable. The topic was thoughts and evidence on therapy and healing in the garden. Naomi says it is better to design environments that facilitate health.
In this roundtable discussion Naomi also says, "nature is good for people; some explore how people benefit, and what conditions are best for specific groups, needs, and situations (e.g., children; seniors with dementia; gardens for people who are immuno-compromised)".
Therapeutic Landscapes Network has an easy search database where you can locate healing gardens, therapeutic gardens, and find those who design these spaces. You can ask questions and be involved in learning about the subject.
There is an interactive map showing where healing gardens already exist. Naomi says the work is never done and so they must stay current bringing you all the tools needed to be successful whether you are building playgrounds or hospital gardens.
Naomi wants you to be encouraged and see the possibilities which have been proven and tested with results revealing nature is needed for our soul and physical bodies.
In addition to overseeing and running TLN, Naomi has her own design firm , Naomi Sachs Design, in Beacon New York. Visit her website to see some of the therapeutic designs that Naomi has given the world of healing landscapes.
We chose Naomi and Therapeutic Landscapes Network as the Horticulture Best Garden Blog for their contributions to the garden world and their unique approach. We applaud their desire to design a garden that reaches far beyond the gates and benches. A design that stays with you for the rest of your life.
Naomi is most at peace when there is harmony and happines in the person and the garden simultaneously. Her pholosphies are popular and sought after now that sound test results are coming out in support of these practices.
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Anna Looper is the Garden Blog Editor for
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