when you’re happy i’m happy
Let me know if your Horticulture community is all you want it to be, and if not, where we can improve. Because when you’re happy, I’m happy.
When asked what I do for a living, the words 'I am a writer' naturally fall from my lips for that is how I think of myself and my vocation. But lately, with new duties as publisher and editorial director of the Horticulture community, writing seems to be more of an avocation. Writing is that practice I long to find time for in days that seem to have no room for anything other than balancing budgets, planning for the coming year, conversing with business partners, and in general, trying to keep all the balls in the air without dropping any of them.
I do love this work because at the core of it all is the fact that I help facilitate a thriving community of like-minded souls who love to play in the dirt. We share our passion for growing things, and over time the details of our lives, so that we come to feel as if we've made new friends despite the fact we may only "visit" on Facebook, Twitter or in the Hortmag.com forum. Although I'm finding more and more often the opportunities to connect in real time, face to face, with folks who I first meet on these social media outlets. For example, just this week I had coffee with a woman I met on Facebook who lives here in Cincinnati and who has contributed to our guest blog.
There are many exciting things brewing here at Horticulture including the soon-to-launch Horticulture Radio which will host a variety of podcasts beginning with Andrew Keys in early November. Andrew will host an NPR-like show that focuses on that place in our lives where people and plants intersect. Watch for the first program. In 2011 the magazine will have a new section written by Peter Garnham about growing edibles, plus a regular feature of pollinators by Bill Johnson. In our fast-paced world where we can witness newsworthy events live (think: the recent rescue of the trapped miners in Chile), it can be a challenge to keep a print product timely since it goes to press weeks before it ever lands on in your mailbox. But we're listening to your requests and responding with more information and inspiration about growing good grub as well as ornamentals. And soon we'll be launching a fun little boutique at Zazzle.com/Horticulture where you can find great gifts for garden-y friends, or cool goods for yourself (soon I'll be modeling my mantra-inspired T-shirt that says: peace on the garden path).
Okay, so today I've written (and it's not even 8:00 a.m.!). I'm grateful for this opportunity to connect with you here, and welcome your thoughts, questions, and ideas. Let me know if your Horticulture community is all you want it to be, and if not, where we can improve. Because when you're happy, I'm happy.
Peace on the garden path,