Week…6ish Gardening for Dummies

As you can see from the picture, my plants have grown a little (and multiplied!) since you’ve last seen them (but I’m sure that’s no surprise for you gardeners). I…

Grace's plants livin' the good life.

As you can see from the picture, my plants have grown a little (and multiplied!) since you’ve last seen them (but I’m sure that’s no surprise for you gardeners). I have added a few more pots and some seed starters as well. As I noted in my previous post, I had to replant a few of the seeds because some of the pellets just were not getting any action. The plant that is absolutely thriving is the Coleus (Solenostemon). It is definitely growing the fastest most likely because they are so heat tolerant. Most starter green house directions instruct growers to keep them inside and under florescent lights until they are ready to harden off in the great outdoors. I however, being the impatient person that I am have already exposed them to some of the humid dog days of summer to hurry their growing cycle because they are a little behind. It’s not scientific, but I’m hoping it might toughen them up so we can get the most out of the annuals while I got ‘em. They are still on the protected porch at least, though, so it's still a semi-gradual transition. I have been keeping the soil constantly moist with my little spray bottle I purchased just for the occasion. I will be moving my pots into my well-lit room back at school, and the others will enjoy their time in my front yard (don’t work, pictures are sure to follow). Advice (or scolding) always welcome at edit@hortmag.com. Thanks for listening, CoHorts!

