The Completely Horticultural “Name That Baby!” Contest
Well, Dan has nixed Poppy, Marigold, Zinnia and Larkspur as possibilities for a girl’s name. He hated the idea of Carolus Linnaeus for a boy… Help us, please. Sure, there’s…
Well, Dan has nixed Poppy, Marigold, Zinnia and Larkspur as possibilities for a girl's name. He hated the idea of Carolus Linnaeus for a boy...
Help us, please.
Sure, there's a few month's til the little critter sticks it's head out and hopefully sees it shadow (or is it better if it doesn't? I never can keep it straight) and I'm not talking about Groundhog's Day... But we find out the sort of baby in a mere 2 days and it sure would help make it real if we had a name for lil' Topper, now wouldn't it?
Here's the rub, we want the name to be horticultural- Extra points forthe first name AND the middle. For example: Frasier Fir, Daisy Vermiculture or Moss Zone 5.
Don't forget that we are weird people and the Zappa kids' names seem old fashioned to us.
Have any suggestions? Leave 'em here in comments or leave them on the Kiss My Aster! Facebook page (where the party never stops, except at night)...
There will be a winner picked eventually and Patty, here at Horticulture, has surrendered a subscription to the mag as a prize if you aren't already a subscriber. If you are, I'll send you a Kiss My Aster! prize pack, which consists of a vintage gardening book, some vintage seed packets and a ton of loot I got at the Independent Garden Center show that I don't want... I mean, that I just simply don't have room for since I have to empty a whole room of the house out for He/She Who Will Be Named Later.