My December Gift-Giving Challenge

This post is not garden related, but as it’s 20 degrees out… I think it’s appropriate…. I’m no dummy, I know when I’m in a pickle. I have a husband…

This post is not garden related, but as it's 20 degrees out... I think it's appropriate....

I'm no dummy, I know when I'm in a pickle.

I have a husband that is turned up to number 11 on the Christmas-loving scale, it's his birthday on the 11th and our 10th anniversary of meeting and falling blissfully in love on the 19th...

He loves opening gifts, no matter how mundane and expects a pile of them for each occasion.

Also? He accuses me of hating Christmas and never putting forth a good effort. This, of course, is not true. But when you're married to Buddy the Elf, it's hard to measure up.

Also, as previously mentioned- I have a bun in the oven and have the energy to do ABSOLUTELY NADA...

So, I know when I'm set up to fail.

And yet, I've come up with this idea that makes it sound like I'm an over achiever, but hopefully you'll see the GENIUS behind it that will really help relieve the pressure.

I'm turning our house into a life-sized Advent Calendar.

Each day in December, Dan will have to find a different door/cabinet/drawer in our house (that will be marked plainly with construction paper, glittered pipe cleaners or EZ Cheeze), that will contain a small gift like a $5 Starbucks card, a package of socks or a giant bottle of that awesome windshield wiper fluid that melts ice.

Perhaps on the big-deal days, I'll bump up the presents to sweaters, more Pendletons and Woolrichs for his lumberjacky collection, or a life-sized reindeer made from smoked gouda. But you get the idea...

I think by cutting this down into tiny bite-sized pieces, this is actually more manageable for me than having to really come through for his birthday AND Christmas. I already have the first week planned and mostly purchased and it was easy peasy.

What do you think? Am I fooling myself that 24 small presents, cleverly hidden, is any easier than performing a miracle for Dan on the same day that I have to have a present for everyone else I know? Is he going to remember all this effort and stop calling me Scrooge?

Maybe I'll post some of my Advent Doors on my Facebook page as this goes down... Or maybe you'll talk me out of it, entirely?

I don't yet have a photo to go with this post, so I went with our old stand-by...