long live the magazine!
I’m not buying the doom-and-gloom prophecy that print is dead. The magazine is the hub of the Horticulture Community, and we’re thrilled to bring you smart gardening ideas in print AND through other outlets.
Last year my friend Kathy Cropp invited me to her radio show in Virginia where we talked about the state of garden communicating. Or, more simply put, we discussed garden magazines and what the future holds for us. As a publisher, I'm constantly hearing that "print is dead!" I'm not buying the doom-and-gloom prophecy.
Is it a challenge as a businesswoman to remain profitable in print? Yes. The bad U.S. economy has effected all kinds of costs involved with getting the magazine to your door—paper costs, printing costs, postage costs, shipping costs, etc. But it's a challenge, not an impossibility.
And I firmly believe that Horticulture (the magazine)—now in it's 106th year in continuous print and publication—is the hub of the entire Horticulture Community. As an offshoot of that radio show last year, and after meeting Kathy in person at the Garden Writers Association meeting in Dallas this summer, she has joined Team Horticulture to bring you radio programs (podcasts) with timely gardening tips from Master Gardeners and other well-informed gardeners! We're thrilled to have Kathy join Horticulture Radio, and I think you will be too when you hear this first installment of her show.
Check out the debut of Kathy's Horticulture Radio podcast: Garden How-To. After you've listened, recommend it on Facebook and share the link with your gardening friends, won't you? And stay tuned for more garden-radio programming coming your way in the new year. Your magazine is still coming to your door, and we're pleased to bring you even more ways to get Horticulture's Smart Gardening ideas.
Wishing you peace on the garden path,