Kiss My Aster and The Delicate Matter

It seems I have a hornet nest within my garage walls. That wouldn’t be so bad, except the entrance is right next to the hose spigot. That’s right, it’s an…

It seems I have a hornet nest within my garage walls. That wouldn't be so bad, except the entrance is right next to the hose spigot.

That's right, it's an accident waiting to happen.

I am fully aware of CCD (colony collapse disorder) and the role that pesticides probably play in that... but does that mean a hive of hornets get to live in my garage?

I'm thinkin' no.

So, I bought some organic hornet killer. It lists mint and sodium laurel sulfate as the ingredients.

I put on my big girl panties and squirted it in the hole.

Damn. Did it make them mad!

Seems to be working...

I'm not going back out there for a LONG while to check, though.