Hello, I Must Be Going…
I cannot stay, I came to say I must be going… It’s been a hoot, y’all, but my swank Hortmag.com party is winding down. I can’t thank Horticulture enough for…
I cannot stay, I came to say I must be going...
It's been a hoot, y'all, but my swank Hortmag.com party is winding down. I can't thank Horticulture enough for hosting this swelligant party for the last 2 1/2 years. I learned a lot and only metaphorically threw up on their carpeting once or twice.
Thankfully there's an after-party-- but it's in something more like an old-man bar, the kind with Pabst Blue Ribbon on tap and a really big jar of pickled eggs behind the counter. A little less elegant than these fancy digs.
That's right, I've packed up my bowling balls, murdered Poinsettias, bad puns, laser beams, old gliders, references to Charlie the Unicorn and farting rain boots and I'm moving back home to my old wee bloggy blog. I'm working on dressing it up a bit, but it isn't quite ready yet. If you click on over, you can hear teensy little hammers banging away at a new flashy set-up.
I'll still see ol" Hortmag.com around, we'll meet for tacos, go to brunch or something more informational and useful (stay tuned for details)-- and we'll always be BFFs on Facebook.
But for now-- I'm going "home", taking off my Spanx and eating ice cream out of the container...
As always, you can find me...
On Twitter @KissMyAster
Or Google me, I'm always up to something....