Gardening for Dummies

As many of you may have already seen on our Horticulture Facebook page, I started my own project here at the office. I’ve been growing my own personal garden right…

My "Gardening for Dummies" kit, I'm determined to make a successful flower garden during my summer project!

As many of you may have already seen on our Horticulture Facebook page, I started my own project here at the office. I’ve been growing my own personal garden right at my desk. A gift from my supportive parents, they jumped on board right away when they found out I was a “Hort” intern and proceeded in buying me a “Gardening for Dummies” kit. The kit came complete with seeds, a jiffy greenhouse, a book and guide. I’ve already planted mostly the basics: coleus, pansies, and impatiens. I’m planning on transferring my little project outside my house I’m moving to off-campus this year at Ohio University when they are strong enough to hopefully to catch the tail end of the season because they are annuals. I don’t think my landlords know much about landscaping, and the front yard could really use some sprucing up. The greenhouse has been covered for about a week now, so I think we will start to see some activity soon. I’ll keep ya posted.

