RadioGarden :: Episode 2: Obsession

Is it possible to become plant-obsessed? This month on RadioGarden, a podcast of stories at the intersection of people and plants, I meet three gardeners who’ve given it some thought.

Is it possible to become plant-obsessed? This month on RadioGarden, a podcast of stories at the intersection of people and plants, I meet three gardeners who've given it some thought.

In this half-hour, I'll talk to Mindy Arbo and Dudley Cotton of the Cotton-Arbo retum in Winchester, Mass.; and Portland botanical photographer Joshua McCullough of PhytoPhoto, whose essays have appeared on Gardening Gone Wild. Right-click the "Download" link to download, and note to all you iTunes users out there: we're on it! Bear with us while we work through intricacies, and stay tuned. We hope to announce our presence on iTunes this month.

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