A good seed packet should give you much of the info you need to know to grow that plant. Here’s what to look for and why:
1. Days to Germination: A pea can sprout in just a few days; broccoli raab can take as long as three weeks. Many a gardener (myself included )has assumed there was a problem and replanted a row of a veggie that is slower to germinate, only to find the initial seeds start sprouting very soon after. So be sure to check this info on the packet!
2. Days to Maturity: This tells you how long it will be before you can expect to start harvesting. For plants that should be started indoors, the "days to maturity" are counted from when the seedlings are transplanted into the garden—not when they germinate on your light stand. But for direct-seeded plants, you count from when the plant pokes through the soil. This info is important for timing your plants with the weather and for succession planting.
3. Packed for, or Sell by, Date: Seeds will lose their rate of germination and their viability over time. I always keep leftover seeds for the following season, and some for a few years. If your packet isn’t dated when you receive it, just make a note of when you purchased it.
4. How to Plant: Every seed packet I have ever seen has growing information. You should find what depth to sow the seed, how far to space seedlings and rows, how much sun/shade is needed, plant height and other specs. Some companies even give you little tips, such as soaking the seed prior to planting. Did you know a watermelon vine can easily grow over six feet in any direction? Better to find that out before the seed touches the soil.
5. How to Harvest: Much less common, helpful hints on harvesting are wonderful info to find on a seed packet. Sure, everyone knows when a tomato is ripe, but do you know when and how to pick an eggplant? If the seed packet lists it, keep that packet!
6. Diseases and Pests: You’ll be more likely to find this information in a seed catalog or on a website, but occasionally it will show up on a seed packet. It’s usually in the description of the vegetable, such as "drought tolerant" or "late blight resistant." Whatever battle you fight in your garden, it helps to be armed with the right seed.
7. A Picture: Personally, I prefer an actual picture of the plant growing, rather than a beautiful display of a great harvest in a lovely setting. The first time I saw a kohlrabi in its natural habitat I was quite surprised.
8. The Botanical Name: This one is becoming rarer over time. Having the botanical name of a veggie, even if you can’t use it in a conversation, helps you to know which veggies you can and cannot rotate and which ones share disease and predators. It also can help you when you are trying to prevent cross-pollination for seed saving. All that in two italicized words? Yes, really!
My advice is to keep your own notes, ask questions and save the seed packets that have the best information.
But after a while, it will all be in your head anyway.