Keep Up with Houseplants As the Seasons Change

New season, new routine.

As winter shifts toward spring, most houseplants' needs increase. Follow these tips for thriving indoor plants as the season changes:

Houseplants respond to lengthening, strengthening daylight in late winter with a flush of new growth and a need for more water, nutrients and possibly a bigger pot.

1. Warmer temperatures and longer, stronger sunlight generally spur a need for more frequent watering of our houseplants. Check the moisture level in your pots more frequently during the week, as drying can occur more quickly now. While you're at it, look for new growth on the plants, which necessitates more water.

2. Early spring is the time to start fertilizing houseplants, which typically take a break from feeding over the winter. Water the plant with plain water first, to moisten the potting mix, then dose it with a weak solution of balanced, all-purpose fertilizer. Repeat this every two to four weeks throughout spring, summer and fall.

3. Now is also a good time to repot your plants if they need it. Plants that dry out very quickly, lack vigor or show roots growing through the pot's drainage holes are candidates for repotting. Use fresh potting mix and a slightly larger pot to support the new growth to come throughout the warmer months of the year.