Quick Tips for Container Garden Care

Keeping containers under control.

Container plantings make fabulous additions to in-ground gardens, providing accents and focal points. Potted plants can also make a garden in and of themselves on balconies, patios or other limited spaces. Containers do require regular care—sometimes more than a garden bed. Here are some tips for keeping it under control:

Grouping pots together simplifies their care.

First, be aware of water needs and how the pot and its placement affect this. In general, the growing medium in pots will dry out faster than the earth. The smaller the container, the faster it will dry. The more sun and wind it receives, the faster it will dry. The pot’s material also comes into play: a nonporous material like plastic will slow water loss, while a porous unglazed terra-cotta pot will hasten drying.

Taking all of this into account, either commit to checking and potentially watering containers at least once a day, or pair low-water plants with pots and positions that can be predicted to dry rapidly.

Water loss can be slowed with the use of mulch, just like in garden beds. Clustering pots together helps to slow evaporation, too. As a bonus, container-plant care goes quicker and easier when pots stand together in groups.

Lastly, “self-cleaning” flowering plants are great for pots because they do not need deadheading. Foliage plants make good low-maintenance options as well.