Northeast: May Gardening

A May “to-do” list for gardeners in the Northeast United States

Northeast garden tasks for the month of May:

Plant trees and shrubs. Transplant plants from one area of the garden to another. Divide perennials and replant the divisions. Plant dahlias. Water new plants regularly, especially in dry periods, to help them settle in and resist stress.

Toward the middle or end of May and into June, depending on how far north you are, plant tender perennials, vegetables and annuals.

Note perennials emerging from dormancy, such as daylilies, columbine, hostas, bleeding heart and astilbes. Some of these will bloom this month.

Direct sow beans, beets, carrots, chard, cucumbers, pumpkins, radish and spinach. Plant kohlrabi, lettuce, cauliflower and celery transplants.

Weed! Keep up with weeding now to reduce the amount of weeds later. Pull weeds now before they can go to seed.

Lay fresh mulch over beds.

Stake delphiniums and peonies to keep them on track as they grow taller.
